- IntroductionGlobal
Catastrophic Risk

The term ‘Global Catastrophic Risk’ refers to the possibility of causing significant harm to human well-being on a global scale. From volcanic eruptions to pandemic infections, nuclear accidents to global tyranny, uncontrolled scientific experiments to climate change, and cosmic disasters to economic collapse, these disasters can impact all of us. How can communication design be used to influence a change in human behaviour that will aid in managing the risks? 

'Global Catastrophic Risk' is chosen to encourage students to approach the global problems of the present era with greater maturity, responsibility, and effectiveness. By the end of the semester, all these works will be showcased in the first instalment of Resilient Bodies – a collaboration between two modules, Drawing & Making and Studio – an exhibition in which ‘the making and the thinking’ come together.

Group Projects
  1. Hacker Space

  2. A Conducive Learning Space

  3. Hack Your Genes

  4. Deceptively Honest

  5. Mass Psychosis

  6. You Live In A World

  7. AIR


Deceptively Honest
Term 01


Response 1
Bernice Ng Hui Ying 

Response 2
Crystal Poh Li Xin

Response 3
Fatin Nur Anisah Binte Mohamad Zaid

Research summary

Artificial intelligence has manipulated our data to control our future, unnecessary purchases.

Walk into your nearby mall and multiple advertisements pounce on you with their eye-catching visuals. Watch a video and a snappy jingle rings out, informing you for the nth time of the monthly sale on Shopee. It is like we can never escape them, this never-ending cycle of advertisements instilling an unquenchable thirst for items we never knew we needed. Yet, we still spend. And spend. And spend.

Consumerism has put big smiles on our faces in the name of retail therapy and pad the wallets of mega-corporations. In this era of hyper-connectivity, conglomerates are armed with the powers of algorithms and targeted adverts to persuade us of our next purchase.

The proliferation of artificial intelligence, combined with the use of pervasive forms of design has helped companies brute force their way to exact profiles of their next potential customer.